A simple idea: drill a hole through the bull's eye of a dart board, the outer bull's eye is just about the right size. Pull a man's genitals through and play the game. In my image the man's tried to a cross or something and the throwing distance is kept fairly large to minimize the actual risk of damage. Possibly the rest of the men's body is also shielded /covered somehow so only the genitals are exposed. Many rules for points may be thought of and several different scenarios as far as how the genitals are exposed, e.g. only the cock head sticks through, preferably erect (tight ring, viagra?), or only the balls are pulled through and tied up so they cannot retract, or all is pulled through and possibly the cock tied up on a particular number (20 would be straight up), allowing different points for different parts hit... PAINT BALL
In the same vein: the man is naked, many Women are hunting him with paintballs. Again points can be allocated for certain body parts. Possibly a minimum distance would be advisable, but that's up to the Domme in charge. Likewise there could be a rule that the man's allowed to run after being hit once, but again that's up to Who's in charge. There may be several men, every Domme bringing a slave, for instance. The terrain could be functional as well, with the men being naked, a rough terrain with lots of rough, prickly shrubs to run through... Possibly the game has their hands tied behinds their backs, their ankles tied together and/or something heaving dangling from their dangling bits, or alternatively, the cock pulled up straight towards their necks, so the balls are pulled forward and nicely exposed... or wearing humblers with the balls exposed from behind and them unable to walk straight... lots of options and nowhere to hide
I was thinking driving range with the tee (the little wooden thingy that the ball rests on) stuck in an erect slave's urethra. Of course, this is possibly a little too dangerous. Otherwise, the slaves could be somewhere in the field as targets to aim for. Butts sticking out towards the golfer...
DOG TRAINING COLLAR: Apparently there are remote controlled versions that can be tied around the balls. Can be worn around the house and if slave's needed (or just for fun) be buzzed. I've seen one wear one at a party. Quite a jolt when it goes off.
TABASCO SAUCE: Applied around the cock and or balls, or even dripped into the urethra... should have some effect. And then follow up with some nice hot wax to seal it all in place...
TUG-OF-WAR: Two Mistresses and two slaves. Always thought this would be fun. The original idea comes from a story. Balls are each tied to a rope, either using a parachute device, a humbler, straight rope or some other fashion. The idea is that the Ladies sit on opposite ends of the room and the slaves are ordered to each get to his own Mistress and please Her... The winner gets to do just that, maybe even please both Mistresses. The loser, well, that's up to the Ladies to decide...
- Roll a sheet of sandpaper and masturbate inside it for 10 minutes. Redo every hour and after 5 hours if you still can do it cum (www.getdare.com)
- Tie balls up with strong cord. Make sure some goes between the two. Have long ends and pull behind you. Have him stand against edge of door, back to edge.Fasten rest of cord with a loop and put over door knobs. Tie up tight so slave cannot relax without pulling on his balls. Ensure hands are tied up where they cannot get to the other rope. One option is to a neck collar, another is high up over the door and back down.
- The simple ball spanking is fun and can vary in intensity from mild to screaming. Circle the top of the scrotum with your left thumb and forefinger (assuming you're right-handed) and squeeze. This makes the balls bulge into a tight and attractive target--making *any* stimulation is more intense. Then use your right hand to slap, tap, and pat the balls. Scratching with long fingernails is a nice change, as is snapping a fingernail against it. And a rubber band snap is sheer agony/ecstasy.
With respect to ball spanking, it is allowable to use implements other than your hand (though I know that must feel really good for the Domme to deliver the sensation and feel the heat of response), if they don't possess too much mass, e.g., 1/16 inch diameter wooden dowels, plastic knitting needles, pencils, and the like; but, if you really want to the worst sting for submissives, try some flexible plastic tubing or thin plastic rods, as the acceleration of the those little "switches" do for ball spanking what composite shafts have done for golf - give anyone that uses them a more powerful swing!
- I like taking those evil toothed hair clips (the ones that look like butterflies) and clamping them briefly on the glans, penis, and balls. The more erect he is, the shorter a time you can leave them on. A semi-erect man is also cute when decorated with dozens of the tiny inch-long miniature clothespins. They have a lethal bite.
- You can also make your sub shave, and then apply capsicum cream to his balls. This is *extreme* agony, and you should have vegetable oil available to wash off the cream when he's had enough. Water won't cut it. (fits with the tabasco sauce idea)
If you want to be nicer, don't apply the cream to freshly shaved balls. You can use Deep Heat, BenGay, etc., as well as the capsicum cream--though the latter is, IMX, the most intense. It's also fun to draw a line with Magic Marker down the middle of the cock and balls, and then try two different creams--one on each half. Scientific product testing!
- For a different kind of thing we have a back scrubber that is used in the shower. it is about two feet long and is made up of a soft yet mildly course material that is braided in three or for strands. She opens the braids a little and puts my cock in the space. The feeling as she twists the back scrubber around is intense! When applied vigorously, it can slightly abrade the skin raw and my dick hurts for a day or so.
- Try this. Put your submissive in any "hold or heel" position. Fill a small plastic bag with crushed ice and cold water. Place your male partner's Cock (and Balls) into the bag. Secure it to him with a rubber band. Let this stand for 3 to 5 minutes, (some men may be able to go longer). Take care not to leave the bag on so long that you endanger tissue. At the end of the time, remove the bag. The warm blood surging back into his parts will bring tears to his eyes. He may even experience cramps that will double him over. All in all the pain of the blood and feeling returning to his parts is a pain not soon forgotten. It is also extremely difficult to think of any thing but his parts until the pain subsides.

- Or, if electricity is your game. (I like electricity because the pain it causes does not subside with time, as does a piercing. As long as the power is on, the pain is on also!) Obtain a model train transformer. Lionel makes a good one. There are several terminals on the transformer. One is "common." Another is voltage from zero to (maybe) 5 volts AC. Another may be 5 Volts AC to 15 Volts AC. Connect two wires to the transformer. Common "Bell Wire" works well. Connect one to the common terminal, and the other to the lower voltage terminal. (Depending on experience or desire, the higher voltage terminal can be used). The wires need to have their insulation removed (obviously) to make contact to the transformer and your man's parts. Strip enough insulation off the wires so that one can be wrapped around his Balls. The other can be wrapper around his Cock. Or, it can be inserted into the pee-hole of his Cock. HINT: Don't let his Cock touch his Balls, this will shorten the electrical path and reduce the pain. Paper or tape will act as an insulator. Now, turn up the voltage, slowly at first. It starts as a slight tingling. He may find this enjoyable, then without warning, as the voltage increases, it feels like a thousand wasps stinging his Cock and Balls. Some men describe it as having their parts in a vise. Given enough time, he will ejaculate, even though he is pleading for mercy and making other guttural sounds. Play with the voltage and in a few minutes he will ejaculate again. If he hasn't passed out, do it again. He has NO CONTROL over his orgasm. The operator of the transformer is in charge. There are variations on this, anal probe, salt water soaks, etc. Keeping the voltage connections below the waist usually decreases the risk of heart failure.
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