At 3.25pm I arrived at my toy scott’s residence. Half an hour early. It appears I have more time on my hands since I am not online much these days. Toy got himself showered while I prepared for the birching and chemical play scene.
The items set up for use were: Icy Hot, brandy, tabasco sauce, witch hazel, slices of chilli and ginger, water, AND lubricant, baby oil, milk and ice cubes for neutralising.
4.25pm, I commenced with using the triple birching implement on toy’s arse. 3 lovely willow branches taped together. I finally got a reaction. An ouch, and some moving away from the implement. It was hot. Safeword Red was called so I ceased with the birch. I proceeded to flog his back gently with the red flogger. Followed by the purple flogger and I flogged firmly on the back and arse. There was lots of squirming from toy. Safeword Orange was called again. I let him rest for a short time, and proceeded to flog him with my net flogger, small but lethal. Lots of wincing and squirming occurred. Safeword Orange was called. He was given a couple of minutes rest and then I gave him 1 minute to endure one last flogging. Once that was over he received six straps, he counted, I strapped. It brought a wicked smile to my gorgeous face.
4.55pm, toy was released from his restraints.
The next part of the scene was to the Chemical play.
Chemical play according to Wiki is "the use of balms and ointments such as Bengay, Icy Hot, Biofreeze, etc" (here in Australia we use Dencorub) to create sensations on a submissive's body during a BDSM scene.
The massage table was set up, a towel applied. I removed his cock ring as I wanted to apply cock bondage. Sadly his cock disappeared from fright. Never to return ;(
5.15pm, toy was directed to lay on the massage table. I covered his both with two towels top and bottom with only his little cock exposed.
I commenced with applying lubricant to his cock head opening. I then inserted a chilli sliver… toy found this slightly uncomfortable but endured. He felt only a mild sensation. Next, I applied Icy hot to his balls which had still not reappeared. Toy immediately felt the intense cold sensation from this ointment. So much so, he started to freak slightly and I asked was it unbearable. He said yes. So I immediately applied baby oil to neutralize followed by some ice. His little cock was relieved somewhat.
I removed the chilli as there was no major effect. I then inserted a Ginger sliver. He felt some effect from the ginger… but was still feeling the hot cold sensations from the Icy Hot. I continued to apply ice to cool him down.
I removed the Ginger… a little ‘humdrum’ reaction in my opinion.
Next I used my eye dropper to collect some brandy. The brandy liquid was inserted into the urethra. This caused a reaction, a much better reaction in my opinion. Lovely actually. I wanted more of an intense reaction and so mixed Tabasco sauce with the brandy. This mixture was inserted into toy’s urethra. He felt no major reaction. 5 minutes went by, and then toy said “Ms Neta my cock head is really burning”. More ice applied. Cooled down. I then inserted a metal chopstick lubricated with some Icy Hot and inserted. Toy became ‘hot’ again. I eyedropped milk into the urethra to neutralise burning. Water was then inserted to flush out the milk. Toy was feeling the intensity of the brandy and it was terrific… for me. Not so much for him but he managed to keep his ‘cool’ *laughs*.
Our scene finished at 6.15pm. A small platter of Tasmanian Heritage Blue cheese and Brie were served with an accompaniment of fruit. The glass of wine and water were refreshing and welcoming after the focus of this scene.
Next my feet were massaged. Toy removed my shoes and massaged each foot. Next I lay on the massage table for toy to massage my calf muscles. As my legs and feet were massaged, I drank my wine, chatted with toy. I was completely relaxed.
Before I departed, toy bowed to me.
At 7.00pm, we packed up my equipment and toys and placed in my car, and I departed from toy’s place to be joined by a group of wallabies as companions for a short while.
His worship pose is divine.