Thursday 30 June 2011

A rant from way back when!

I have read some stuff around the site from a couple of female submissives spouting venom about Female Dominants.  WTF.  They’re blathering on that PVC/Leather or whatever material holding a crop does not maketh a Female Dominant.  Actually, they are absolutely correct – it doesn’t.  But again, it’s the usual crap that raises its head from these types of people – jealousy and envy.

What maketh me?  My down to earthness.  My love of this Lifestyle.  My seriousness and dedication to this Lifestyle.  I love to learn and share with like-minded.  I support those who ask for help.  I have respect and trust for many of the wonderful people in this Life.  I don’t tolerate bullshit and if I do not like you, I will not smooze up to you because that would be two-faced…or even fence sitting.

To those who continue to insult us Female Dominants – take a long look at yourselves and stop whining about your needs all the time.

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