Saturday 2 July 2011

A new level

My submissive bill and I scened on Friday. 

The evening consisted of submissive bill cooking me a delicious dinner – baked chicken wrapped in proscuitto with mushrooms, cheese.  Delicious.  We chatted for quite a while about various topics.  Next, he was handcuffed and placed into his box for an hour whilst I watched the movie Fetishes re Pandora’s Box dungeon based in New York.  During my watching of the movie, every so often, I would whip bill, or poke him with sharp pointy objects just to remind him I had not forgotten.  After an hour, I permitted him to get out, hydrated him, and he pampered me for a while.  Fabulous. 

Next, I told him to lean up against the St Andrew’s Cross.  He was surprised as he thought our evening was over.  *WEG* I restrained him.  I then proceeded to flog him with my whippy floggers for a solid 20 minutes.  I permitted him to count each strokes and each time I swapped the flogger he thanked me.  I used four different floggers.  The last impact implement was a leather strop.  He was to count to 6.  Before I commenced, I asked him why he only had to count to six.  His response, it must be ‘friend’ implement, Mistress.  I stropped him as he counted to six.  His voice was just a whisper by the end.  I removed his restraints.  He thanked me, and as I turned away I noticed a catch in his voice.  I turned back and tears were streaming down his face.  I led him to the couch and had him sit down, legs up as I said between them and consoled him.  I held his hand and his tears streamed freely… non-stop.  I read his journal, as I conversed with him.  He received lots cuddles and hugs.  Aftercare was given for about an hour.  At the end when he drove my car out and I left, his eyes were still streaming.  My parting words were if you feel you need to talk to me some more… text or call me.

I experienced Dom Drop…that was dealt with once I left his home.

The next day I replayed the evening in my head to work out in my head what brought on the tears for my submissive.

He and I texted. 

I discussed the situation with Jack.

My conclusion was I changed the routine of our scenes.  And yes, most times our scenes have a routine.  I arrive, we eat, chat, conduct the scene, then pampering afterwards.  I changed it and received the pampering before the scene.  So, this confused my submissive as he felt he had pleased me but then I whipped him, he was shocked by the turn of events.

I asked my submissive bill why he thought he cried.  He came to the say conclusion as I, and I had not even mentioned what I thought… as I did not want to put words into his mouth, I wanted him to think long and hard about what brought on the tears.

When I informed him that was my conclusion – the change in scene routine – he laughed and was so happy to rid his head of the confusion.  He had not cried since he was 14 years of age, and I am the first person to take him to such an emotional state.
The reason I changed our scene routine was because I was becoming bored, as I’m sure he has felt at times.  I needed to move our scenes to another level, as I felt a stagnation entering… it was becoming too predictable.

How did I feel when I saw my submissive’s onslaught of tears… concerned for a short time (5 minutes) then as I watched him, soothed him, conversed and pampered him, I felt extremely hot, and ‘alive’. 

I have evolved to a new level, and I am going to very much enjoy this new level of mental, physical and emotional stimulation with my beautiful submissive bill.


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