Tuesday 25 October 2011

Lunch 13/10/11

On Thursday, my submissive bill made me a lovely lunch prior to our big weekend with our interstate guests.  This is what he write...

Thursday, my last day to relax before busy Friday and the High Protocol Dinner. Well I didn't really relax. Washed the car and cleaned inside for my Mistresses presence. Also grocery shopped then made some lunch for my lovely Mistress. Was thinking salmon would go well with avocado and cheese on a sandwich but my Mistress had other ideas so was in a bit of a panic about that. That was the only meat I had to serve on the sandwich. Opened the fridge looking for other options but there were not any. Did this two more times but knew the same result would apply. Crazy ! My Mistress was very happy with the lunch I had prepared for her, though only salmon and cheese sandwiches she did not complain and thanked me for them. A loving and appreciating Mistress certainly makes dog adore her even more ! We had a great chat again. My Mistress was concerned about the planning for the dinner, being non-existent but not to feel bad about it, it is out of our control. We have done all we can.

Isn't he an amazing person, everyone?  And, he belongs to me completely.

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