Monday 12 September 2011

Service: 11/9/11

On Sunday, 11 September 2011, my submissive bill and husband, Jack, painted the interior walls of the hallway and stairway.  The undercoat was applied.  The final colour for these areas will be a cream. 

These two special people in my life were focussed in undertaking this painting task.  It was so lovely to watch them work quietly with guidance or direction with each other.  Occasionally, a compliment and encouragement would be thrown their way by me.  I appreciate those who help, support and love me.

My house is going to look great once they finish within a month.  I look forward to hanging all the family framed photos.

bill undertook this service for me because he knew it would please me. He strives to please me... and succeeds most of the time.

I am blessed to have these two wonderful males in my life keen to ensure I am happy and if I am happy, they will be rewarded.

A Happy Household with a Happy Wife, and a Happy Mistress .

1 comment:

  1. Lovely statements Mistress, i both laughed and shedded a tear of happiness
