It was pleasant.
First off, I inserted a purple 5 inch dildo into his arse. I was a little disappointed as shit appeared on my gloved finger. He did not clean himself as I would have liked but will do so properly, next time.
I finally was able to put his balls into bondage. Goddess, has that been a challenge as they tend to shrink away from me and disappear up inside him. Anyway I finally succeeded so that brought a smile to my face.
Next, I applied Icy Hot to his balls... that was fun to watch the skin start to pimple up *wicked evil grin*
I pulled out my single wartenberg wheel and circled his sensitive bits for a while. A little appetiser before the main course.
What was absolutely amazing to watch was his tiny little cock shrink even more so along with his balls contracting so much so that the rope fell off... it was this moving skin (scrotum) which was such a fascinating watch... WOW.
I was very excited to pull out my seven-wheeled wartenberg wheel and have some wicked delicious fun with that on his boy bits. So I did. Now that made me wetter especially as he cringed in pain, went red, groaned in pain, went redder, brought his knees up in pain and whimpered. Yep, now that's what I'm talking about!
I stopped once he called Orange. Next I pulled out some pointy toys - a fork, a skewer and a needle - just a little jab here and there just because it was so enjoyable to see toy's expressions. I had fun for that short time. 40 minutes of fun as I enjoyed his pain. So wonderful to see his expressions and sounds of pain - its taken a while to get him to that level but he did it. Yay for him. Yay for ME.
I left and drove home. So nice to be home, in a relaxed state of mind.
~Ms Neta~
With deepest darkest romance in mind.
Glad you had a great time Mistress and glad you got to test out your new wartenbury wheel on someone else, ha ha