Sunday 8 July 2012

Wed - 4/7/12

On Wednesday, I had planned to spend the day with my submissive bill and go see a movie and lunch.  Well that turned to shit I have to say.

Unfortunately our child was still unwell and had to be taken to the doctors.  Whilst I was reversing out of the garage I bumped the esky which in turn bumped the track of the rollerdoor.  Ugh.  I had to drop off our other child to school and when I said grab your backpack as he was getting out of the car - he stared at me in a way that I knew something was wrong.  He had left it at home, and I had to take our other child to the doctors.  Talk about IRRITATING.  I told him I would bring the backpack later.  I zipped off to the doctors.  Got there no receptionists and so while I was waiting, I text bill, my submissive, and told him what was going on.  He came back and said "Mistress, would you like me to come and fix the track on the roller door".  I was short in my response and he knew I was an unhappy Woman at that moment. 

We finally got into the doctors and he said there was nothing much that could be done to help our child except for her to wait out the illness.  Anyhoo, off I zipped.  Got some cough medicine and other bits and pieces, and was so hyped up with the awful morning, I decided to go and buy another guinea pig.  Her name is Liquorice.  She is delightful.

Got home, dropped off child.  Grabbed the backpack to drop off at school.  Then rushed back home.  bill arrived and brought some food for lunch.  We ate.  He repaired the track which was very easy to fix he said.  He used pliers.  I used a hammer earlier - ha ha ha - yep, that didn't work at all.

I informed Jack about the guinea pig.  He wasn't too happy but accepted it was inevitable another cavy was going to be added to the pack. 

I then received a surprising email from another mistress extending the hand of friendship through apology.  I accepted whilst bill was massaging my stressed feet.  At 3.00pm, I sent bill home as I had to pick up our child, and lo and behold, our child was waiting for his sibling who had gone off to race in the inter-school championships.  Anyway got him home, then waited for a phone call for our other child to call to inform me when she was back at school.  4.20pm she text me and I zipped off to pick her up.  She gave me the good news that she was in the top 20 out of 250 participants. 

I was so exhausted from the day I decided since I didn't get to go out and have lunch and see a movie I was going to see my submissive.  And, I did.

He pampered me that evening and afterwards, I was very relaxed and in a great frame of mind.  I slept well that evening.

I am blessed to have an amazing family and submissive.  Ms Neta deserves it of course!

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