Tuesday 30 December 2014

My submissive J

Well it is almost NYE.  Incredible really that 2015 is just around the corner.

I am sitting in bed relaxing after an interesting night.

Today, I have been browsing the usual Kink sites I am on and whilst doing this I received a text from my potential submissive.  This submissive is driven, motivated and committed.  Unfortunately for us both, he lives up north so connecting will be irregular.  He has been around me for one month now.  We met up north to ensure our compatibility.  We were.

He is just lovely.  Intelligent, charming, articulate, gentle, and strong.

The reason for writing this is because submissive J continues to strive well in his commitment to me by sending his daily texts even when he is travelling around the country.  Even when he works long hours, his relatives are unwell, through flooding and drought,and unwellness, he continues to stick to his commitment to me.  I have only come across three other males who were able to maintain this kind of contact in the past 5 years.

slave K, sub B, slave A and now, submissive J.

Its heartening to know there really are slaves and submissives out there who dedicated themselves to me, even though at times they teetered about whether to continue in their service to me.

Thank you to submissive J for remaining focussed on me amidst the other commitments in your life.  Another breath of fresh air... for a change.

Being submissive doesn't mean being someone's doormat.  It doesn't mean you are weak.  It means YOU are strong enough to know your desires, strong enough to let go of the control.  Being submissive isn't easy, and it isn't for the weak!

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