Tuesday 14 October 2014

What a day!

What a day! In fact what a couple of full-on days! Phew!

I arrived at my workplace yesterday and was immediately greeted by a major issue that occurred over the weekend and the person was unable to make a decision.  I made it for her.  While we were discussed the issue, another person pops their head in to ask if they could speak to me once I finished my meeting.  I called her and she returned to my office to outline her concerns about another major concern revolving around attitudes of staff and clients.  Sighs.  So again I gave advice.

Third thing, my phone rang to inform me we were having an accreditation visit.  Holy shit!

They say bad things happen in 'threes'.  Yep, Monday morning - what a blast.

Yesterday was stressful but I got through it, with the others, to a very positive outcome although we were all exhausted by day's end.  The glass of wine when I arrived home was well received as was the hot bubble bath.

Today.  Well, I had a submission to put forward which is undertaken on a quarterly basis.  Because of my high expectations most times, I was ready, prepared and waiting... unfortunately, I was the only one organised.  So, there I was stalking one of the staff members most of the day to provide me with the relevant information in order to submit this report.  I am pleased to say with focus and fortitude, I completed the submission and this will be sent off tomorrow morning after I have given it a once-over perusal of the documentation.  My glass of wine is really going down well.

I was also contacted by a director of the organisation, and as a contractor, and due to my impressive skills, was asked if I would assist another department with set-up of online systems for the next few weeks due to another accreditation visit.  They just don't seem to want to let me go... my reputation within this organisation is solid it appears.

Sadly my Fridays are no longer mine... well, only for a few weeks... then who knows what my future will hold - workplace wise.

Thank goddess, I have my kink to keep me balanced from the craziness of workplace life.  Sighs.

Talking about kink, really looking forward to the CBT and Impact play gathering this Saturday.  We have 7 males to play with.  Fun times ahead!!  *hehe*

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