Thursday 9 October 2014


Good afternoon Journal

My work week is finally over.  Thank goddess!!

I am tired, and irked by a few recent occurrences both in the kinky and vanilla worlds.  Nothing too concerning though as they will fade into the memory banks in time, and new challenge(s) and experience(s) will take their places.

My family are away so the house has been relatively quiet except for the constant attention of my fur babies.  For those of you who know me, you know what I am referring to.

Daylight savings has knocked me around a little so I am hoping I will come right and be able to spring out of bed like I did a few weeks ago.

I have my sentinel beside me.  She is an amazing creature and is cherished by her Owner and Mother.  She keeps me company whenever I am in the House.  I love my sentinel girl.

I have had a couple of 'subs' over the past week approach me to attend the event I have planned - the CBT and Impact party - next week.  What's amusing, peeps, is that they approached me, wanting to find out what the criteria was to receive an invite, then when I arranged to meet them for coffees, they both baulked and ran like bitches.  I notice this seems to happen with males under 35.  They love the idea of kink, kink gatherings and Female Dominants but when it actually comes to the crunch of stepping out of their little hidey-holes - damn, what little baby bitches.  *hehe*

That said, I have 7 subs attending my planned event, perhaps 8 - just awaiting on his confirmation. I think that is terrific.  Of course they all know me, and have known me for a while so I am not as scary as everyone else thinks.  Sure intimidating at times but overall a pure sweetheart. Alas, I have 5 FemDoms only but that's OK, more fun for us... lots of cocks and backs to play with.  All the attendees feel quite excited about this upcoming event... personally, me not so much as I have to organise it as usual.  Damn my amazing organisatrix skills! ;)

My submissive who I gave a month off, returns next week to be in service.  He is excited.

I have another submissive from interstate coming to our fair state in the next couple of weeks to provide service to me for two months.  He is excited.  It will be an interesting time particularly as he is a masochist and yearns for pain, and strictness.  I haven't had the pleasure of experiencing playing with a real masochist so I am looking forward to the mental and physical activities that will are a couple of my FemDom friends.  He is a nice person and we conversed a few years ago, and he made contact with me last week...seeking a connection.  We will see if he is compatible with me.

We have a local scene munch coming up at the end of the month with probably about 30 kinksters attending so that will a nice catch up for the southern and northern kinksters.

I had some photos taken last night by my other half.  Talk about a fiasco.  Jeezus.  I have decided to seek out a fetish photographer to take photos of me in various poses.  Someone who knows how to take photos of people rather than landscapes.  Damn!

October will certainly be busy in all aspects of my life.  Let's hope I find happiness and contentedness in this journey of Dark Romance.  Wish me luck, followers.

Ms Neta
~ With Dark Romance in Mind always ~

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