Monday 12 January 2015

Craving that deep D/s connection

Written by my friend, Ms Boo, a few years back.  I just loved her writing... beautifully written.  Thank you Ms Boo for articulating your perspective of deep D/s.


Cravings, do you ever get a deep down craving for something and no matter what you try, nothing else will fill it but that one thing that you are craving for?

It’s a hot day and your working in the yard. You’re tired, sweaty and sticky and just want to say enough is enough, I’ll finish this tomorrow. Then you buckle down, give it your last bit of effort, knowing that you have an ice cold beer or glass of ice tea waiting to reward you for a job well done. You push yourself beyond your limits with the thoughts of that one cold drink. You can feel it in your hand. You can taste it. In your mind, your drink it down and feel it quenching that burning thirst. You get that dopamine rush of “Eureka, this is it” This is what I’ve been working for. This is what I have been craving!

Your home alone and watching a movie. It’s getting very intense and you’re on the edge of your seat. You have all of these emotions and energy just bubbling up inside you. You’ve got to move but can’t take your eyes off of your movie. Then it hits you … chips … no wait … popcorn … yes, something salty. NO! Ice Cream! … I have peach ice cream in the freezer. Your mouth starts salivating, your taste buds are screaming, “Peach Ice Cream!” Your heart, body and soul tells you that nothing else will do, you must have the peach ice cream.

Now imagine that you get the refrigerator and there is no cold beer or ice tea to quench your thirst or you only find Lime sorbet when you wanted Peach Ice Cream. Sure you could have water or sorbet, but it’s just not the same.

So it is with my cravings for a deep D/s connection. Sure, I can share a fuck with a kinkster but it’s not the same as that sacred sexual bonding between the D/s lovers. Yes, it swells the ego to hear someone call you Master, Mistress or Daddy while playing out your fantasies but it feeds your soul/ your overall well-being, when you have worked hard for that reward of being called Master/Mistress/Daddy. When it’s real and not just a fantasy, when the connection is so deep that I feel her/his pain and her release, when I get that dopamine rush ... that’s when I get my cravings satisfied.

Do you get D/s cravings? Crave the bite of your Masters whip? Crave the love that comes with true submission? Do you have a deep need to serve that one you love or a need to take care of the one that serves you?

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