Monday 26 January 2015

24/1/15 - Out for Dinner

It was our local scene’s play party on Saturday night however I was not in the mood to attend.  I have lost interest in public play these days.  The thrill has gone.  I prefer to ‘play’ in private.

My ex sub, who is still closely connected to me with a strong friendship, asked if I would like to go out for dinner.  We went out to a fabulous restaurant in Bellerive.  Impressive views, excitable people, stunning food. 

I drove to his place, and he had set up the dining table next to the bay window and prepared an entrée for us.  The entrée was one of my favourite dishes… OYSTERS.  They were salty tasting – just the way I like them, and delicious tasting which my mouth savoured.

I haven’t seen Bill for 6 weeks and it was great to catch up with him.  He always thrives when he is in my presence.

We chatted about goings-on in the Fet world… and let me say, not much has really been happening.  Its been drama-free as it should be.

Half an hour later we headed off to the restaurant.  As I stated above, it was a fantastic venue, and the service received was spot on.

We stayed there for three hours and had a great time. 

I went back to his place, he set up my chair, he sat on the couch and we chatted for another hour, one glass of wine, listening to Life album by Simply Red and talked about what 2015 will hold for us.

At 10pm, I drove home and contemplated the D/s relationship of 4 years I had with Bill, and will always cherish the relationship dynamic we had but I am very happy now.  I can now focus on my life, and the direction I want that life to head.  Eventually I will seek a new submissive/slave to serve me but only when I’m ready.

~Ms Neta~

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