Monday, 26 January 2015
24/1/15 - Out for Dinner
It was our local scene’s play party on Saturday night
however I was not in the mood to attend.
I have lost interest in public play these days. The thrill has gone. I prefer to ‘play’ in private.
My ex sub, who is still closely connected to me with a
strong friendship, asked if I would like to go out for dinner. We went out to a fabulous restaurant in
Bellerive. Impressive views, excitable
people, stunning food.
I drove to his place, and he had set up the dining table
next to the bay window and prepared an entrée for us. The entrée was one of my favourite dishes…
OYSTERS. They were salty tasting – just the
way I like them, and delicious tasting which my mouth savoured.
I haven’t seen Bill for 6 weeks and it was great to catch up
with him. He always thrives when he is
in my presence.
We chatted about goings-on in the Fet world… and let me say,
not much has really been happening. Its
been drama-free as it should be.
Half an hour later we headed off to the restaurant. As I stated above, it was a fantastic venue,
and the service received was spot on.
We stayed there for three hours and had a great time.
I went back to his place, he set up my chair, he sat on the
couch and we chatted for another hour, one glass of wine, listening to Life
album by Simply Red and talked about what 2015 will hold for us.
At 10pm, I drove home and contemplated the D/s relationship of 4
years I had with Bill, and will always cherish the relationship dynamic we had but
I am very happy now. I can now focus on my
life, and the direction I want that life to head. Eventually I will seek a new submissive/slave
to serve me but only when I’m ready.
~Ms Neta~
16/1/15 - First Munch for the Year 2015
Friday, 16 January 2015, I attended our local munch. The first one for the year. It was a most enjoyable evening. There were a few newbies in attendance and it
was absolutely enjoyable to meet the new people as well as some people who I
had been friends with, online, for a few years, to finally meet them in real
Upon my arrival, I was greeted by quite a few members who
were excited to see me. I felt like a celebrity for a moment being greeting, hugged, kissed and welcomed by many.
There were two tables
with 12 seating arrangement. It was an
impressive turn out for the beginning of the year. We all chatted about various topics, laughed
a lot and generally just had a fabulous time.
The food was even delicious.
~Ms Neta~
Journal: 26/1/15
Good afternoon
**Happy Australia Day**
As some of you may have noticed I have changed my blog. Its 2015, time for a change. A positive move to ensuring my life is even better than it has been previously.
I changed the name of this blog as an acknowledgement to someone who inadvertently helped me open myself to other opportunities and explorations in this life.
A lot of changes have occurred for me over the past couple of months. A lot of reflection, minute changes, a clearer focus, and I am heading towards a calmer state.
This year is about teaching others, sharing my knowledge, becoming less selfish and more selfless.
I have been on a variety of sites, exploring my inner needs and have come to the realisation that it was all very dissatisfying for my spirit. Sure, a couple of liaisons enlightened me however I now know I do not want to experience them again.
My focus this year will be to remove any debris from my life that is unwanted, immediately. I am at a good place intellectually, mentally and emotionally. I still have to work on some other areas but I believe that the change will happen, in time.
**Happy Australia Day**
As some of you may have noticed I have changed my blog. Its 2015, time for a change. A positive move to ensuring my life is even better than it has been previously.
I changed the name of this blog as an acknowledgement to someone who inadvertently helped me open myself to other opportunities and explorations in this life.
A lot of changes have occurred for me over the past couple of months. A lot of reflection, minute changes, a clearer focus, and I am heading towards a calmer state.
This year is about teaching others, sharing my knowledge, becoming less selfish and more selfless.
I have been on a variety of sites, exploring my inner needs and have come to the realisation that it was all very dissatisfying for my spirit. Sure, a couple of liaisons enlightened me however I now know I do not want to experience them again.
My focus this year will be to remove any debris from my life that is unwanted, immediately. I am at a good place intellectually, mentally and emotionally. I still have to work on some other areas but I believe that the change will happen, in time.
Monday, 12 January 2015
The Heart of a Slave
Author: Master Steve of Butchmann's abt 1993.
A slave is an individual born with a slave spirit. No one
can make an individual have this spirit; nothing can be done to create this
state in an individual's being. No one trying hard or wishing for this sense of
spirit can develop it within themselves and no Master can cause it to occur.
A slave is an extraordinary human being who is born with
this slave spirit - as much as they are born to breathe, or have gifted talents
like design or music. A slave is extraordinary, rare and most often confused
until they discover their slave spirit heart. Most slave’s wander through life
feeling unfulfilled - as if they have a "dark hole" in their spirit -
a hole that can be temporarily filled with an abundance of sex, work, addictive
behavior or other whole-life-consuming factors.
Slaves often have a sense of the spiritual (some become
clergy), but feel this sense of spiritual awareness to be disconnected from
their desire for a Mastery/slavery relationship. A slave has a right to feel
joy and pride in their slavery and in service to a Master. Slave is often
confused seeing Dominance as Mastery; SM as completion; or fetish focus as the
fulfillment of this "dark hole" in their spirit. Many can find enough
fulfilments in these areas to develop a sense of wholeness (often a quiet
longing exists - although for what, the slave doesn't know).
The heart of a slave can be actualized only when the
spiritual journey occurs that connects this "dark hole" in the spirit
to the whole spirit and then to the universe. It is a process of a painful and
trusting leap of faith that causes this connectedness to occur - a truly
spiritual journey. The heart of a slave can only be complete in service to a
Master and it is within this service that the spiritual journey occurs. Slavery
is not about a "hard dick or clit experience", although hard dicks
and clits happen and are enjoyed. Slavery is the completion of a spirit in
search of "connectedness" in the universe.
Ball stretching
Stretching his balls was fun. Yes those water bottles are full and hanging from his cute little balls... they are some tough testicles.
I have enjoyed many wonderful activities with this beautiful submissive male. He has been loyal to me for years. I will be posting a series of photos displaying his commitment to me even when it was difficult for him at times, he endured, in his servitude to me.
I have enjoyed many wonderful activities with this beautiful submissive male. He has been loyal to me for years. I will be posting a series of photos displaying his commitment to me even when it was difficult for him at times, he endured, in his servitude to me.
Craving that deep D/s connection
Written by my friend, Ms Boo, a few years back. I just loved her writing... beautifully written. Thank you Ms Boo for articulating your perspective of deep D/s.
Cravings, do you ever get a deep down craving for something
and no matter what you try, nothing else will fill it but that one thing that
you are craving for?
It’s a hot day and your working in the yard. You’re tired,
sweaty and sticky and just want to say enough is enough, I’ll finish this
tomorrow. Then you buckle down, give it your last bit of effort, knowing that
you have an ice cold beer or glass of ice tea waiting to reward you for a job
well done. You push yourself beyond your limits with the thoughts of that one
cold drink. You can feel it in your hand. You can taste it. In your mind, your
drink it down and feel it quenching that burning thirst. You get that dopamine
rush of “Eureka, this is it” This is what I’ve been working for. This is what I
have been craving!
Your home alone and watching a movie. It’s getting very
intense and you’re on the edge of your seat. You have all of these emotions and
energy just bubbling up inside you. You’ve got to move but can’t take your eyes
off of your movie. Then it hits you … chips … no wait … popcorn … yes,
something salty. NO! Ice Cream! … I have peach ice cream in the freezer. Your
mouth starts salivating, your taste buds are screaming, “Peach Ice Cream!” Your
heart, body and soul tells you that nothing else will do, you must have the
peach ice cream.
Now imagine that you get the refrigerator and there is no
cold beer or ice tea to quench your thirst or you only find Lime sorbet when
you wanted Peach Ice Cream. Sure you could have water or sorbet, but it’s just
not the same.
So it is with my cravings for a deep D/s connection. Sure, I
can share a fuck with a kinkster but it’s not the same as that sacred sexual
bonding between the D/s lovers. Yes, it swells the ego to hear someone call you
Master, Mistress or Daddy while playing out your fantasies but it feeds your
soul/ your overall well-being, when you have worked hard for that reward of
being called Master/Mistress/Daddy. When it’s real and not just a fantasy, when
the connection is so deep that I feel her/his pain and her release, when I get that
dopamine rush ... that’s when I get my cravings satisfied.
Do you get D/s cravings? Crave the bite of your Masters
whip? Crave the love that comes with true submission? Do you have a deep need
to serve that one you love or a need to take care of the one that serves you?
I like attractive men - I'm not talking about model
material attractiveness - just someone who has an attractive quality. He should
have a physical something that stands out for me (no, not his cock). I really
like eyes - doesn't matter what colour but I am drawn to depth in eyes,
intellect, clarity. Next, I'm kind of partial to good strong hands, and don't
mind a hairy chest at all. Hair/No Hair doesn't matter. A generous mouth/lips
are a bonus too. I don't think I'm asking too much when I seek an attractive submissive/slave.
Not big on beards although trimmed goatee beards are kind of hot.
Saturday, 10 January 2015
My Opinion - 10/1/15
Dear followers
Its incredible how many males are out there who are ONLY looking for kinky sex. Nothing wrong with kinky sex mind you but they honestly have no interest in receiving pain or giving servitude. What the fuck is that mentality about. FemDom porn has a goddamn lot to answer for. Its incredible and astounding at the stupid, simple attitudes of many of the 'kinky' males. Too many males think or lead with their cocks, come on boys, man up and show you truly want to serve a Dominant Woman through anticipatory and attentive servitude and I am not referring to being fucked anally or giving oral service. Get the mindset right first, then the rest follows. Only a few have cottoned on to this, the rest are fools.
Some of you may consider me harsh but you know what, I am not interested in connecting with narrow minded fools who can't take the time to learn about Female Dominance - not PORN FemDom - and that it is not all about boot licking, arse licking, cunt licking, and whatever other lickings there are - its about showing her how important she is through your submission to her Dominance - mind, body and soul. Transfer of Authority. Power Exchange. Your genuine submission. Not flowery, superficial words just so you can get a fuck after being dominated for five minutes. Cripes.
*hehe* just my little bit of a rant this evening although I am amused at the same time.
Other than communicating with a handful of idiots, this year has started off well, goddess, let's hope it continues on a good note.
Its incredible how many males are out there who are ONLY looking for kinky sex. Nothing wrong with kinky sex mind you but they honestly have no interest in receiving pain or giving servitude. What the fuck is that mentality about. FemDom porn has a goddamn lot to answer for. Its incredible and astounding at the stupid, simple attitudes of many of the 'kinky' males. Too many males think or lead with their cocks, come on boys, man up and show you truly want to serve a Dominant Woman through anticipatory and attentive servitude and I am not referring to being fucked anally or giving oral service. Get the mindset right first, then the rest follows. Only a few have cottoned on to this, the rest are fools.
Some of you may consider me harsh but you know what, I am not interested in connecting with narrow minded fools who can't take the time to learn about Female Dominance - not PORN FemDom - and that it is not all about boot licking, arse licking, cunt licking, and whatever other lickings there are - its about showing her how important she is through your submission to her Dominance - mind, body and soul. Transfer of Authority. Power Exchange. Your genuine submission. Not flowery, superficial words just so you can get a fuck after being dominated for five minutes. Cripes.
*hehe* just my little bit of a rant this evening although I am amused at the same time.
Other than communicating with a handful of idiots, this year has started off well, goddess, let's hope it continues on a good note.
27/12/14 - A few hours with Stephanie
End of last year I had a casual scene with a switch, named Stephanie. Lovely person, knowledgeable, well-read, intelligent and kinky as fuck.
We met at a venue, I enjoyed a lovely 'cocktail' - yes, an alcoholic beverage, and chatted about her travels around the world. It was a most interesting conversation and the destinations she had travelled were impressive.
Anyway, it was time to play. As you can see from the pics we had a lovely kinky time. She assumed the positions I sent her to learn. She displayed them well although forgot one slightly. She then received 12 paddles to her sweet arse cheeks... or was it, 15 ;) Hey, 27th of Dec has loimprovng gone now and my memory isnt as sharp at the moment due to other focusses.
After the positions were demonstrated, and the punishment was given, she was collared and leashed. She experienced some cock flogging, clothes peg applications, cock bondage whilst cuffed. Unfortunately the bed did not have anchors, so I had to use her ankles to cuff her wrists to. Sometimes you just have to improvise. The cock flogging was fun, she didn't think so but I did. You can see the wicked little cock flogger on her stomach. Little but lethal... well, to cock and balls, a very nice sting. Oh, and pegs were applied to her nipples. She got the full gamut... a taste of everything.

Afterwards she massaged my feet, leg, back and shoulders with a lovely oil. She certainly was talented. We had a most enjoyable time together. Afterwards, she showed me her selection of pretty panties. There was a variety. I selected the black panties for her, and she looked just lovely in them. If I had had more time, I would have introduced her to one of my Strap on cocks.
Happy New Year, Stephanie. Have a fabulous 2015 on your travels!
We met at a venue, I enjoyed a lovely 'cocktail' - yes, an alcoholic beverage, and chatted about her travels around the world. It was a most interesting conversation and the destinations she had travelled were impressive.
Afterwards she massaged my feet, leg, back and shoulders with a lovely oil. She certainly was talented. We had a most enjoyable time together. Afterwards, she showed me her selection of pretty panties. There was a variety. I selected the black panties for her, and she looked just lovely in them. If I had had more time, I would have introduced her to one of my Strap on cocks.
Happy New Year, Stephanie. Have a fabulous 2015 on your travels!
R.I.P. Ruby - 9/1/15
My submissive J's fur baby Rotweiller, Ruby, passed away yesterday. She was 10 years old.
Rest in Peace beautiful girl, and my deepest condolescences to submissive J for the loss of his beautiful baby.
Rest in Peace beautiful girl, and my deepest condolescences to submissive J for the loss of his beautiful baby.
Thursday, 1 January 2015
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