Monday 13 February 2012

Profound: 13/2/12

From my gorgeous friend, TomtheDom.  His words were so touching, I just had to post in my blog.  This man, is a brilliant and supportive friend.  This was about post I raised on a website I reside about the passing of Whitney Houston.


@Neta, see, thats where I am different - I look at you, and see more of the qualities you saw in Whitney in yourself. I know we kind of focus on the VIP but forget the most important person, which is each and every one of us.

I am certain you had not the luxury of Aretha Franklin as your Godmother and yet you somehow made it through life. I am sure you, as any most of us, have been tempted by peers to try out drugs,but somehow you managed to get by and managed to feel ok about yourself without a nose full of coke every second day (or hour for that matter). I am sure life treated you poorly at times and yet you didnt end up popping pills and sinking them with shots.

I am certain that you have invaluable talents in you, and contribute greatly to the web called life, and that your battles are just as hard as those of Whitney Houston, the only difference is, that while she broke on the cliffs of life and sank her ship, yours is still sailing the seven seas of life and that is why I have more respect for you, than Whitney. call me old-fashioned, I prefer those important people of every day's life to those Gladiators that are there to lure the masses into amused lobotomy.

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