From my submissive bill's journal. Its a lovely read. I had a thoroughly enjoyable time.

Happy to not be to rushed today preparing for my lovely Mistress visit. She has not been feeling well and does not wish to eat a heavy meal. Only a salad. This gave me a bit of time to relax in the morning, before cleaning up the house. Always happy to relax in the house after it has been cleaned, but no time now. Will enjoy it tomorrow. Managed to cut the grass and bag it just before the rains came. Very happy with my timing...hee hee.
Made my beautiful salad, extra avocado, no tomato with some roasted sweet potato....yummo !! My lovely Mistress was feeling some what better and was getting pretty hungry so added some cooked chicken to the mix :)
Had a bit of work to do when my Mistress arrived, unloading car of equipment for the up coming play party. Finally completed that then a chance to sit at my beautiful Mistress feet and hear about recent events. Love hearing what has been happening in her life. Was surprised my Mistress was bright, excited and fresh looking after her, my Mistress is the best !!
Dinner was pretty good, should do that type of meal more. A light healthy meal to keep us light on our feet.
Off to the bedroom for our scene. I decided to use the bentwood chair, should fit in the wardrobe pretty well, keep me in a good posture and have plenty of tie points for plenty of bondage options. My lovely Mistress didn't complain and actually was pretty happy to be roping me up. I was pretty excited too, to feel the rope tight on my flesh as I couldn't see anything with a blindfold in place. All part of the fun. My Mistress then shut the door, didn't make any difference, I could not perceive any fade of light what so ever.
Now, being alone in the closet, in bondage, nothing can work but the mind and it certainly starts ticking. Wondering how long I will be left here alone. Listening for sounds from my lovely Mistress, wondering what she is doing. Wondering what she has install for me. I was wondering back to the last time my Mistress put me into the chest in the living room. Remembering the sudden bursts of attack from my Mistress, a quick opening lid and a couple of sharp wackes from an impact implement and before I knew it the lid was closed again. Hoping it wouldn't be like this again. I was bound good and proper and didn't even realize there was a rope running near the front of my face up to a tie point above me until I bent forward to relieve some discomfort. Wondered what this rope was doing ?? Decided I should put it into the memory bank, wouldn't want to put any force on it and pull down the rail it is tied to.
When I heard the solid wack on the door I didn't like my chances of escaping lightly and I was becoming nervous and worried. Heard the door open quickly then wack, wack, wack on my leg and shoulder, sudden stings coming from those areas. I certainly was worried now. This is going to be a long night ! My Mistress opened the door quickly again, a few more stinging wacks and a few pinches ! Wosh ! The door was closed and I could hear her walking away. I chance to rest and recover. I had jumped around on the chair from the shock of the sudden impacts which loosened the ropes around my chest. This gave me a bit of movement to lean forward when it became uncomfortable in the normal sitting position. Grateful for small comforts :) The bondage was well done, keeping me restrained but allowing circulation to flow. Wish I could move my arms to a different position but they were stuck between my legs. Pretty quickly another wack was heard on the door, solid and hard. I muttered " Oh my God" bracing for the impact about to happen. Yeap ! The door open quickly by my Mistress and sudden wacks again !! My upper thigh was sting now, it had taken a few hits in close proximity to each other and was feeling it. Jeez, I haven't had any impact play for awhile, it was stinging and I felt like a wimp. I am certainly no masochist, hoping for the pain to stop. My Mistress concentrated a few blows on my shoulders and back before closing the door. Could not tell that she had left as I was whimpering and breathing heavily. Took me a while to realize she had left. Took me even longer to recover my breath. I was thinking "Jeez, these wacks are on areas that hurt and have not been warmed up. They are cold so it hurts even more, damn this is tough to bear. How many more times do I have to bear it ?" Well I have my safe word and can use it if I need to. Tried to recover to the best of my ability, moved around on the chair, lent my head against the wall so the wall would take some weight. Wondered what the time was. Was it dark yet. Where was my Mistress. Didn't take a lot of wondering, she was back so enough, I could hear her foot steps comming. Some more hits on the leg, in the same spot, damn ! Next, something different, a wartenburg wheel. Damn, I didn't like that either, no rest for dog !! Next a different plan of attack from my Mistress. Seemed she came in behind me slightly so she had a better aim of my back. My Mistress did land some decent hits, a couple on the same tender spot that did sting sooo much ! My Mistress was off then, disappeared into the darkness, leaving me to think and contemplate the next attack. I was thinking this is too much, my Mistress loves me, this is not right and I started to quiver in the lips and have a slight tear appearing leaning into the corner. Damn, It was hard to pull myself back from this and not break up, like standing on a knifes edge, not knowing which way I will fall. Eventually came back from the cliff face a little composed.
Luckily the next time my Mistress visited there were a few hits before she sounded out that we were near the end, physically I could bear it, mentally it was more harder. Still the same struggle. Why is she beating me if she loves me. Again it was very hard to not fall into a bundling blubber of a wreck. Even after my Mistress had released me from the bondage I was still somewhat of a wreck. Water helped but just laying on the bed feeling my lovely Mistresses smooth soft skin brought me back. Actually surprised how quickly I recovered to enjoy my Mistress in a different light :)