I am pleased with my recent exercise efforts. I have been walking 15 minutes each day for the past two weeks which has help my body get back on track, biologically.
Going out Vanilla-style |
I am going through pre-menopausal symptoms and have been on HRT for the past 2 years. I was recently put on estalis patches. What a piece shit that medication is, particularly in relation to adhesiveness. I had to use tegaderm patches to keep the estalis patch adhered to my precious skin and have just recently found out they cause allergies - scarring in other words. I now have square scarring around areas of my stomach - now is that a goddamn pisser or wha?. They will fade in time but jeezus christ, my stomach looks like a jigsaw puzzle. Not happy, Jan! I will have my submissive rub moisturiser on my stomach for a period of time to help bring my skin rejuvenate and heal to a reasonable scar-free shade well excluding the circular stretch marks from the pregnancy of my youngest child *sighs*
Besides the above, I am feeling clearer of head, fitter and happy that Spring is here!!
~Ms Neta~
Did not notice the scaring but oh so happy to rub moisturizing cream in, yes Spring is fantastic Mistress