Comments from a recent
Corner Time discussion.
v Corner time is a time for reflection about the wrong doings that have been
done and how the sub/slave/bottom can improve himself/herself. I very much enjoy giving Corner Time for
those who are deserving :)
v Actually, I would say there is some value to it, not so much as a
punishment, but as a quiet period of reflection. In life, we are always doing
something - online, TV, work, reading, chatting, etc. How often do you just stay still and do nothing?
It can be quite refreshing and calming.
v Despite the boredom, I do a lot of great reflecting from the corner, which
I suppose is the point, right? It's
usually its own punishment with no spanking involved. Usually for not
speaking up about something. My hands can go wherever they want, but they often
end up crossed as I lean against a wall. Happily, I'm pretty good and haven't
done time in a while ;)
v I think corner time is mostly to be sure I get the very most benefit from
my punishment. Its reflective time while my bottom is most tender to let his
work on my hinnie travel the long way up to my brain and leave a lasting
impression. Sometimes I think its so he can admire his coloring of my cheeks as
v Corner time is supposed to be time to think about your punishment and how
to avoid doing the same things again. It feels more like being punished and
then sent away so he won't have to deal with you anymore. It usually only lasts
about 10 or 15 minutes and I can tolerate it when my husband does it. I really
hate it and spend the time wishing he would let me out and hold me, at least
for the few minutes that it lasts.
v I don't like giving or receiving corner time after a spanking, that' a time
for reassuring cuddling. Nevertheless, I like it before (at both ends of the
whip): it's a way of building the anticipation, you are waiting for your
punishment, you don't know how long it will take and you are forced to think
about it because you have nothing else to do.
v I use corner time for real punishment and funishment when requested. The
time could be from 30 minutes to an hour and I have the miscreant sit on a hard
chair or a coarse fibre door mat (after his/her spanking).
v Corner time gives him/her enough time to reflect on the reason.
v Corner time would only work if it was given before the (disciplinary)
spanking. It might then raise my anticipation level. There would be an optimum
time though, I could not stay anxious for more than 10 minutes I think, after
that I would get bored.
v To me, corner time before a spanking increases my awareness on all levels.
My senses seem to heighten, knowing what is to come. My mind whirls with
apprehension, wonder, and nervousness. It gives me time to reflect on the
reason I am in the corner to begin with, and what is going to follow. Corner
time after a spanking, offers me a chance to "cool" down, tears to
dry up, contemplate exactly what happened, and why it shouldn't happen again as
my bottom throbs. Also standing there with a red bare throbbing bottom can
humble you pretty quickly.
v For me it is simply a very vital part of the discipline that I need in my
v My preference is corner time. It is more 'physical' to Me. Plus you can add
all sorts of variations depending on the original infraction - kneeling on cat
litter, table tennis ball stays between nose and wall and so on. I also think it is more humiliating. :-)
v I like the fact that corner time gives me time to calm down and think about
what I did wrong, but I hate the fact that I know I disappointed the person who
put me in the corner and that they are watching my every move while I'm in the
corner and that they won't allow me to talk to them while I'm in the corner :(
v Having a spanking, then corner time, being assigned to contemplate my
misbehavior, then being asked what i learned, is beneficial to me in so many
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